Let $G$ be a reductive group over a field $k$ of characteristic zero with maximal split torus $T$ and Borel $B \supset T$ defining a set of simple roots $\Delta$. Additionally let $\rho$ be the half sum of all positive roots with respect to $B$. For a character $\lambda \in X^*(T)$ we define a line bundle $L_\lambda$ on $G/B$ by
$L_\lambda(U)=\{f: \pi^{-1}(U) \rightarrow k \mid f(gb)=\lambda(b)f(g) \text{ for all }g \in \pi^{-1}(U)(\bar{k}), b \in B(\bar{k})\}$
for $U \subset G/B$ open and $\pi:G\rightarrow G/B$ the natural projection.
Now I'm interested which character $\lambda$ defines the canonical bundle $\omega_{G/B}$ on $G/B$. I figured by several sources out that its either $-2\rho$ or $2\rho$. But as already mentioned in https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/654793/confused-about-borel-weil-theorem, the literature seems somehow inconsistent and I got stuck.
I will greatly appreciate help with this.