A connection of a vector bundle $E$ on a manifold $M$ is a map $d_E: \Omega^0(E) \to \Omega^1(E)$ that extends uniquely to a map $d_E: \Omega^p(E) \to \Omega^{p+1}(E)$ while satisfying $$ d_E(\omega \otimes s) = d\omega \otimes s + (-1)^p \omega \wedge d_Es. (*) $$ The curvature tensor is defined to be $d_E \circ d_E.$
Now, in very elementary differential geometry, the curvature (Gaussian or others) can be motivated by second order terms in Taylor series expansion of a parameterisation.
This leads to the question: can we write a Taylor series or something similar with $d_E$? That would really help understanding curvature.
I know that a perfect Taylor series is not going to work, because the definition $(*)$ takes such a "strange" form. But at least, $d_E \circ d_E$ should be able to capture the "curved" part of the second order terms.