In a posting to mathstackexchange I've alluded to the concept of supertransitive model. Now $M$ is a supertransitive model of a set $Q$ of first order sentences, denoted by $M \models^{sptr} Q$, is defined as $M$ being a set obeying $\sf ZFC$ rules and that is supertransitive (i.e.; transitive and has all subsets of all of its elements being among it elements too) and that satisfy $Q$.
Now every $V_\kappa$ where $\kappa$ is a wordly cardinal, would serve as a supertransitive model of $\sf ZFC$, and apparantly there is no upper limit to that. However, is there a lower bound on the size of a supertransitive model of a theory? Especially of $\sf ZFC$ itself, i.e. is there a lower bound on the cardinality of a supertranstive model $M$ of $\sf ZFC$?