Suppose we have a tower of Kan fibrations between Kan complexes: $$ X_0 \xleftarrow{f_0} X_1 \xleftarrow{f_1} X_2 \xleftarrow{f_2} \dotsb $$ From this we get a commutative diagram of topological spaces: $\require{AMScd}$ \begin{CD} \left|\text{lim}_nX_n\right| @>{\alpha}>> \left|\text{holim}_nX_n\right| \\ @V{\beta}VV @VV{\gamma}V \\ \text{lim}_n|X_n| @>>{\delta}> \text{holim}_n|X_n| \end{CD} It is known that $\alpha,\beta,\gamma$ and $\delta$ are weak equivalences. What is a convenient reference for this?
Some ingredients:
- The geometric realization of a Kan fibration is a Serre fibration, by a short paper of Quillen with precisely that title. Thus, the spaces $|X_n|$ form a tower of Serre fibrations.
- The map $\alpha$ is the geometric realization of a map $\alpha_0$ of simplicial sets, and $\alpha$ is a weak equivalence iff $\alpha_0$ is a weak equivalence.
- There are various relevant things in the Bousfield-Kan book. In particular, Example XI.4.1(v) essentially asserts that $\alpha_0$ is a weak equivalence, but they do not really spell out a proof.
- If $Z$ is any one of the four spaces in the diagram, then after saying the right things about basepoints we get a short exact sequence relating $\pi_*(Z)$ to $\text{lim}$ and $\text{lim}^1$ of $\{\pi_*(X_n)\}_{n\geq 0}$. For $|\text{lim}_nX_n|$ this is Theorem IX.3.1 in Bousfield-Kan, and for $|\text{holim}_nX_n|$ it is essentially XII.7.4, although few details are given. The spaces on the bottom row can be dealt with in a similar way. Phil Hirschhorn wrote a careful and elementary argument for $\text{lim}_n|X_n|$.
This is enough to piece together a proof, but it would be nice to have a single reference where the claim is stated and proved explicitly.