Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a separable Hilbert space and let $TC( \mathcal{H})$, $HS(\mathcal{H})$ be the space of trace-class operators and Hilbert-Schmidt operators on $\mathcal{H}$. Recall that these space are Banach spaces and that $HS(\mathcal{H})$ is a even a Hilbert space. For a Banach space $X$ let $B(X)$ be the space of bounded operators on $X$.
For $a \in B(TC( \mathcal{H}))$ since $TC( \mathcal{H})$ is dense in $HS(\mathcal{H})$ there is at most bounded linear extension, but it may not be bounded. For example one may consider $a(x) = Tr(x)y $ where $y \neq 0$ is a trace-class operator.
Now, consider the set
\begin{align*} \mathcal{A} = \left \{ a \in B(TC( \mathcal{H})) \mid \bar a \in B(HS(\mathcal{H})) \right \} \end{align*}
what can I say about this space?
It is a vector space and by the example it is not all of $ B(TC( \mathcal{H}))$.
Can I for example define an involution by taking $\tilde a = \bar a^*\mid_{TC}$?