Question. Is there a large colimit-sketch $\mathcal{S}$ such that $\mathrm{Mod}(\mathcal{S}) \simeq \mathbf{Top}$?
In other words, is there a category $\mathcal{E}$ with a class of cocones $\mathcal{S}$ in $\mathcal{E}$ such that topological spaces can be seen as those functors $\mathcal{E} \to \mathbf{Set}$ which map the cocones in $\mathcal{S}$ to colimit cocones? Since the forgetful functor $\mathbf{Top} \to \mathbf{Set}$ creates colimits, I don't see any a priori reason why this cannot be true.
Let me explain a bit where this question comes from, since I also have some reference requests about related questions. Burroni has given in Esquisses des catégories à limites et des quasi-topologies (zBMATH review, see also Burroni's 1970 CR note) a large mixed sketch based on filter convergence (see here) whose models are topological spaces. Maybe this thesis contains other sketches as well, perhaps even a colimit-sketch, thus answering my question, but I could not find it online anywhere, and Ehresmann told me that, in fact, there is no digital copy. I was quite surprised to find out that there is actually a limit-sketch for topological spaces. This is explicitly mentioned by Guitart in Toute théorie est algébrique et topologique (Proposition 25, pdf), without proof, but the construction comes out of Edgar's description of topological spaces in The class of topological spaces is equationally definable (doi:10.1007/BF02945113), which in turn is based on Kelley's characterization of topological spaces in terms of net convergence (General topology, Chapter 2, Theorem 9): A topological space can be described as a set $X$ together with a monomorphism $C(P,X) \to X^P \times X$ for every directed set $P$ satisfying four axioms (think of $C(P,X)$ as the set of $P$-indexed convergent nets including their limits). These axioms can be written down in categorical language. For example, the axiom "subnets converge to the same point" is the following: for every cofinal map $Q\to P$ there is a morphism $C(P,X) \to C(Q,X)$ such that $$\begin{array}{cc} C(P,X) & \rightarrow & X^P \times X \\ \downarrow && \downarrow \\ C(Q,X) & \rightarrow & X^Q \times X \end{array}$$ commutes. I have written down all the details of that sketch, but I wonder (Side question) if this limit-sketch is written down somewhere else already? As a byproduct we get the notion of a topological space object internal to any complete category (not just a topos as studied by Macfarlane and Stout for instance). Let me also mention that I found out that $\mathbf{Top}^{\mathrm{op}}$ is the category of models of a large limit-sketch, which means, however, that $\mathbf{Top}$ is the category of $\mathbf{Set}^{\mathrm{op}}$-valued models of a large colimit-sketch. Please let me know if you know any other references about this topic apart from those already mentioned.
*Edit. Details of the sketches mentioned above can now be found in Large limit sketches and topological space objects.