Given a non symmetric operad $\mathcal{O}$, is there an explicit description of its (André-Quillen or other) cohomology in low degrees in terms of infinitesimal composition?
I ask because I am interested in a collection parametrised by objects that are 2-cocycles in the Hochschild cohomology of the following algebra with coefficients in an appropriate bimodule.
Define $A$ to be the algebra with underlying vector space generated by symbols $$\{(f,i)| f\in\mathcal{O}(n), 1\leq i\leq n\}$$ and define the multiplication via infinitesimal composition to be $$(f,i)(g,j):=(f\circ_i g, i+j-1)$$
This is obviously a very artificial construction, and relies only on the operad structure and the existence of this "infinitesimal" bimodule, so should be somehow intrinsic to the operad, but I cannot see how to relate it to any of the cohomology theories I know.