I do have a real positive random vairable, which distribtuion I only known through some truncature of the orthogonal projection of it's density in a Laguerre basis, and I want to find the best way of simulating from this random variable.
Denote $\phi_k(x) = \sqrt{2} e^{-x}\sum\limits_{\ell \le k} \binom{k}{\ell} \frac{(-2x)^\ell}{\ell!}$ the laguerre functions. The set $(\phi_k)_{k \in \mathbb N}$ form an orthonormal basis of $L_2(\mathbb R_+)$.
My density is expressed in this basis as: $$f(x) = \sum\limits_{k \le m} a_k \phi_k(x)$$
How can I simulate from this density, in a better way than integration and inversion of the cumulative distribution function ?
I wanted to use the fact that $\phi_k$ and therefore $f$ are linear combinations of erlang densities $f_k(x) = \frac{x^k e^{-x}}{k!}$, but the corresponding weights are not all positives (and do not sum to one).
Is there a way to expend a signed mixture of erlangs into a non-signed mixture ?