This paper is about support recovery guarantees of the Lasso.
I have an issue with Lemma 2b. Wainwright claims that if the primal-dual witness 1-4 conditions are met, we get correct signed support. What if one of the elements in $S$ has $\hat{\beta}$ value $0$ i.e. $\exists\, i\in S \,s.t.\, \hat{\beta}_i=0$, while $\beta^*_i>0$? Now $\hat{z}_i$ could still be 1 (because 1 lies in the subdifferential of the $l_1$ norm at 0), so $\hat{z}_i=\text{sign}(\hat{\beta}_i^*)=1$ and the primal dual witness conditions are all met, and yet $\text{ sign}(\hat{\beta}_i)=0\neq 1=\text{sign}(\beta_S^*)$, so we do not have signed support recovery.
Why can this not happen?