Let $\Omega_n$ denote the symmetric/permutation group on $n$ objects. Let $T_n \subseteq \Omega_n$ denote the set of transpositions. Drop the $n$-subscripts.
Define the Cayley graph $G = (\Omega, E)$ by saying that $\sigma, \sigma' \in \Omega$ are adjacent if $\sigma^{-1} \sigma \in T$, ie they differ by a transposition. One can use the Aldous spectral gap conjecture to show that the spectral gap of (the simple random walk on) this graph is $1/n$. A standard result by multiple authors (Jerrum and Sinclair, to name two) then says that $1/n^2 \lesssim \Phi_* \lesssim 1/n$ where $\Phi_*$ is the isoperimetric constant: $$ \Phi(S) := \frac{|\partial S|}{|S|} \quad\text{and}\quad \Phi_* := \min_{|S| \le |\Omega|/2} \Phi(S),$$ where $\partial S$ is the edge boundary of the set $S$. This is a worst-case bound.
I am interested in a better understanding of the isoperimetric profile $\Phi(S)$, not just for the worst-case $S$. References and the like would be appreciated.
Consider this example. Define $S$ by including every permutation independently with probability $\tfrac12$. (I just mean site $\tfrac12$-percolation by this.) Fix any transposition $\tau \in T$. Define $$ \partial_\tau S := \{ \sigma \tau \mid \sigma \in S \text{ and } \sigma \tau \notin S \}. $$ One can pair up all the permutations: $(\sigma, \sigma \tau)$ where $\sigma$ ranges over a set of size $\tfrac12 |\Omega|$. This outlook shows that $$ |\partial_\tau S| \sim \textrm{Bin}(|\Omega|, \tfrac14). $$ Indeed, for every point in $S$ there is a $\tfrac12$ chance that its pair is not in $S$. Also, $|S| \sim \textrm{Bin}(|\Omega|, \tfrac12)$. Thus $ \Phi(S) \approx \tfrac12. $ So if $S$ is drawn in this sense then typically it has isoperimetric expansion roughly $\tfrac12$. This is much better than the worst-case, which is at least as bad as $1/n$.
Ideally I would like to determine some characterisation of the set of 'expanding' sets, ie ones with $\Phi(S) \asymp 1$. More formally, define $\mathcal P_c := \{ S \subseteq \Omega \mid \Phi(S) \ge c \}$ for $c \ge 0$. Then $\mathcal P_0$ is just the power set of $\Omega$. I am after some characterisation of $\mathcal P_c$, or some large subset of it, for $c > 0$ fixed and $n \to \infty$.