this is a problem from Durret's probability textbook.
Show that if $\varphi$ is a ch.f., then $Re\varphi$ and $|\varphi|^2$ are also ch.f.
I am wondering how to prove this. Actually I'm not even sure how to show something is ch.f. The only idea I have is to use the inversion formula to show that we can get the distribution function of a random variable out of $Re\varphi$, but I couldn't work out the details as it seems pretty complicated.
For the $|\varphi|^2$, since $|\varphi|^2=\varphi\overline{\varphi}$, so I think it suffices to show that $\overline{\varphi}$ is a ch.f. But similar to $Re\varphi$, I am not sure how to show $\overline{\varphi}$ is a ch.f. either.