The following differential-topological characterization is Theorem B in Meigniez, Gaël. Submersions, fibrations and bundles. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2002), no. 9, 3771--3787. It is currently available in the website of the author:
(the page is, in case the link to the pdf changes at some point). I do not really know the proof, as I only skimmed through the paper some years ago, but I remember that the paper looked very interesting to me.
Let the dimension of $M$ be $m$ and let the dimension of $E$ be $n+m$.
Theorem A surjective smooth submersion $\pi:E\to M$ is a (locally trivial fibre) bundle if and only if it admits an exhaustive, isotopy invariant, $(m−1)$-fibred family of vertical domains.
To understand the statement, we need some definitions (taken from Section II.1 of the same reference):
- A vertical domain is an $n$-dimensional compact submanifold of a fibre, $X\subset E_p$, with a smooth boundary.
Let $VE(X,E)$ denote the space of vertical embeddings of $X$ into $E$ (so, those with image in a fibre), with the topology of smooth uniform convergence. Let $VE^0(X,E)$ denote the connected component of $VE(X,E)$ containing the original inclusion $X\to E_p$.
Let $VD=\coprod_{p\in M} VD_p$ be a family of vertical domains (Note that each $VD_p$ is itself a collection of vertical domains, but all in the same fibre $E_p$). It is called:
exhaustive if every compact subset of every fibre is contained in some $X\in VD$;
isotopy invariant if for every $X\in VD$ and every $\phi \in VE^0(X,E)$ we have $\phi(X)\in VD$;
$r-$fibred if, for any two domains $X,X′\in VD_p$ such that $X\subset Int(X′)$, the restriction map
$$\rho_{X,X′}:VE^0(X′,E)\to VE^0(X,E)$$ is an $r$-fibration (i.e., has the homotopy lifting property for polytopes of dimension at most $r$).
In the same paper there is discussion of some other sufficient conditions for local triviality, see II.1,applications, and also on conditions for a surjective submersion to be a fibration, i.e., satisfying homotopy lifting properties (part I of the paper).
For example, the following easier (i.e. with conditions possibly easier to verify) characterization is Corollary 28 in the paper:
Corollary (dim-1 base principle for bundles)
a) A surjective submersion $\pi:E→M=R^m$ is a bundle if and only if it is a bundle over each straight line in the base parallel to one of the axes.
b) A surjective submersion $\pi:E→M$ is a bundle if and only if for every smooth path $\gamma:[0,1]→M$, the pullback $\gamma^*\pi:\gamma^*E→[0,1]$ is a bundle.
c) The theorem is still true if we change "$(m−1)$-fibred" to "$0$-fibred".