I am trying to understand the article "A solution to a conjecture of Zeeman" by Akbulut, but I am not an expert in PL-geometry.
As far as I understand, two statements should be true, but I cannot find a reference:
$B^n$ is the $n$-dimensional disk (with boundary).
Given PL manifolds $M^m,N^n $ with $m<n$, and a point $p \in M$, a PL map $f \colon M \to N$ is locally flat in p if there exist neighborhoods $p \in U \subset M$ and $f(p) \in V \subset N$ such that $(f(U),V)$ is homeomorphic to $(\mathbb{R}^m,\mathbb{R}^n)$.
Lat $M^4$ be a contractible 4-manifold. Let $f \colon B^2 \to M$ be a PL embedding which is not locally flat, such that $f(\partial B^2) \subset \partial M$. The set of points $p$ in $B^2$ such that $f$ is not locally flat in $p$ is finite.
Given such an $f$, it is possible to build another PL embedding $g \colon B^2 \to M$ such that $g_{|\partial B^2} = f_{|\partial B^2}$ and $g$ has only one point where it is not locally flat (I refer to the sentence "By isotopy we can push these points together, that is we can assume that there is only one singular point $x_0$" in the article).
The only possible singularity of such a map is a cone over a knot.
As far as 1) is concerned, I think that it is possible to get some results considering triangulations of $B^2$ and $M$ such that $f$ is simplicial with respect to these triangulations. If I can do this (and I am not sure about it), I hope that there is some way to prove that the singular points are contained in the set of vertices of the triangulation of $B^2$, but I do not know a simple way to prove it. Maybe this could help also for 2).
Any reference is appreciated. Thank you in advance.