Two K3 surfaces show up when talking about cubic fourfolds containing a plane. Let $P\subset X\subset \mathbb{P}^5$ be the plane inside the cubic. Since $P$ is cut out by 3 linear equations then $X$ has equation $L_1Q_1+L_2Q_2+L_3Q_3=0$, with $L_i$ and $Q_i$ respectively of degree 1 and 2. Hence $X$ contains the octic K3 complete intersection of the 3 quadrics.
On the other hand by projecting off $P$ one gets a quadric fibration $\pi: Bl_P(X) \to \mathbb{P}^2$, and the relative Hilbert scheme of lines in the fibers is a Brauer Severi variety over a degree 2 K3.
Is there any known relation between these two K3s? Are they FM partners or have similar cohomology?