I originally asked this on Stack Exchange but with no luck. Upon doing research with some noncommutative rings, I thought of a curious question. Does there exist a noncommutative unital ring $R$ and left ideal $I$ such that $R/I\cong R/\text{Ann}_R(R/I)$ as left $R$-modules but $I\neq \text{Ann}_R(R/I)$? I suspect that such an $R$ and $I$ do exist but are awkward to construct. Note that
$$\text{Ann}_R(R/I)=\{r\in R:\forall x\in R,\ rx\in I\}\subseteq I$$
and that $\text{Ann}_R(R/I)$ is always a two-sided ideal. As such, if $I$ is not two-sided then we already get $I\neq \text{Ann}_R(R/I)$. Any ideas would be appreciated.
My question is equivalent to this question with the additional constraint that $J$ must be two-sided.