I have recently made the following observation:
Let $v_i := (v_{i1}, v_{i2})$, $1 \leq i \leq k$, be non-zero positive elements of $\mathbb{Q}^2$ such that no two of them are proportional. Let $M$ be the $k \times k$ matrix whose entries are $m_{ij} := \max${$v_{ik}/v_{jk}: 1 \leq k \leq 2$}. Then $\det M \neq 0$.
The above statement is equivalent to the basic case of a result I recently discovered about pull back of divisors under a birational mapping of algebraic surfaces. I was going to include it as a part of another paper, then noticed the equivalent statement stated above and found it a bit amusing. My question is: is it worthwhile to try to publish it in a journal (as an example of an application of algebraic geometry to derive an arithmetic inequality), and if it is, then which journal(s)?
It is of course also very much possible that it is already known, or has a trivial proof (or counterexample!) - anything along those directions would also be appreciated.
Edit: Let me elaborate a bit about the geometric statement. In the 'other' paper, I define, for two algebraic varieties $X \subseteq Y$, something called "linking number at infinity" (with respect to $X$) of two divisors with support in $Y \setminus X$. I can show that when $Y$ is a surface, (under some additional conditions) the matrix of linking numbers at infinity of the divisors with support in $Y \subseteq X$ is non-singular. In a special (toric) case, the matrix of linking numbers takes the form of $M$ defined above. So the question is if the result about non-singularity of the matrix and its corresponding implication(s) are publishable anywhere.