This is a question from an online note. Let $A$ be a two-dimensional $\mathbb C$-torus. And there is an involution on $A$: $A\to A, x\mapsto -x$. The action has 16 fixed points. Let $Y:=A/\{\pm1\}$, then $Y$ is a complex surface with 16 ordinary double points. Let $X$ be the blow up of $Y$ at all 16 singular points. After some calculations, we can see $X$ is a $K3$ surface. Then it's claimed that if $A$ is not projective then $X$ is not projective and we get an example of a non-projective $K3$ surface. But I feel confused why "if $A$ is not projective then $X$ is not projective".
I know since $A\to X$ is finite, thus if $Y$ is projective, then we can pullback an ample line bundle to an ample line to $A$. But I can't see why $X$ is projective implies $Y$ is projective? Do we have contracting a rational curve on a complex surface preserves the projectivity?