Quotient posets of the Boolean lattice $B_n$ have interesting properties and are for example discussed in chapter 5 of Stanley's book on algebraic combinatorics.
$B_n/G$ for a subgroup $G$ of the symmetric group $S_n$ (that acts naturally on $B_n$) is defined as the poset of orbits under the natural order (that is one orbit $a$ is $\geq$ another orbit $b$ if and only if there exists elements $a' \in a$ and $b' \in b$ such that $a' \geq b'$).
The posets $B_n /G$ are graded of rank $n$, rank-symmetric, rank-unimodal, and Sperner. See theorem 5.8. in the book of Stanley. One might ask whether one can add some more conditions to have a characterisation of them by natural properties (not mentioning the Boolean lattice in this characterisation).
Question: Is there a characterisation when a given bounded poset $P$ is isomorphic to $B_n /G$ for a subgroup $G$ of the symmetric group?
Can this at least be done when $G$ is assumed to be cyclic?