This question is related to this one.
Consider the complex Banach space $V=(\mathcal C(U(1), \mathbb C), \Vert \cdot \Vert_\infty)$ where $\mathcal C(U(1), \mathbb C)$ is the space of continuous complex maps defined on the unit circle endowed with the sup norm.
Define $G$ as the operator that maps an element $f \in V$ to the element $G(f)$ such that
$$G(f) : z \in U(1) \mapsto zf(z) \in \mathbb C.$$
Is $G$ in the same connected component that the identity in the subset of bounded linear invertible operators of $V$ denoted by $\mathcal{L}(V)^*$
Note: I moved this question @mathoverflow and deleted the math.stackexchange one.