My question os motivated, naturally, by the problem of classifying symplectic reflection algebras up to Morita equivalence (a classical reference for rational Cherednik algebras is Y. Berest, P. Etingof, V. Ginzburg, "Morita equivalence of Cherednik algebras", MR2034924; the most up do date work in this subject I know of is I. Losev, Derived equivalences for Symplectic reflection algebras,;
and also the problem of understading rings of differential operators on irreducilbe affine complex varieties $X$ up to Morita equivalence (a nice discussion of this lovely problem in the intersection of ring theory and algebraic geometry can be found in Y. Berest, G. Wilson, "Differential isomorphism and equivalence of algebraic varieties", MR2079372)
Given that, my questions are:
(Question 1): What are the more general known conditions on a symplectic reflection algebra $H_{1,c}(V,\Gamma)$ that imples it is Morita equivalent to $\mathcal{D}(V) \rtimes \Gamma$?
(Question 2): What are the recent developments made in the study of equivalence of rings of differential operators up to Morita equivalence (and in particular Morita equivalent to the Weyl algebra) since Berest, Wilson [op. cit.]?
(Question 3): Etingof in "Cherednik and Hecke algebras of varieties with a finite group action", MR3734656, introduces more general versions of rational Cherednik algebras and discuss the possibility of extending the results in Y. Berest, O. Chalykh, Quasi-invariants of complex reflection groups ,MR 2801407, in this setting. So, being optmistic, one hipothetically could obtain results similar as those discussed in Berest, Etingof, Ginzburg [op. cit] regarding Morita equivalence of these generalized rational Cherednik algebras with smash products of rings with differential operatos with a finite groups. Has this line of inquiry lead to results relevant to this discussion so far?
(Question 4): This is totally unrelated to the previous questions. It is more of a very open question in ring theory: are there interesting simple Noetherian algebras, coming from another areas than those above, which are Morita equivalent to a Weyl algebra or a smash product of it with a finite group?