Let $B_t:=B(t)$. We have to show that
P(M_{1/2}\ge s)\le2P(B_{1/2}\ge s/2) \tag{1}
for $s\ge0$, where $M_T:=\max_{0\le t\le T}B_t$ for $T\in(0,1)$.
We shall prove (1) by first obtaining an explicit expression for $P(M_T\ge s)$.
Indeed, for $t\in[0,1]$, we can write
where $W$ is a standard Wiener process. For each real $x$, consider
so that $C^{-x}$ is a Wiener process with drift $-x$. Then
P(M_T\ge s|W_1=x)&=P(\max_{0\le t\le T}(W_t-tW_1)\ge s|W_1=x) \\
&=P(\max_{0\le t\le T}(W_t-tx)\ge s|W_1=x) \\
&=P(\max_{0\le t\le T}C^{-x}_t\ge s|C^{-x}_1=0) \\
by Theorem 3.1 (with $-x,s,1,T,0$ in place of $\mu,\beta,u,t,\eta$, respectively), where $1-G$ is the standard normal cdf.
Note that $P(M_T\ge s|W_1=x)$ does not depend on $x$ (which of course should have been expected, since the Brownian bridge $B$ is independent of $W_1$). We conclude that
P(M_T\ge s)
In particular,
P(M_{1/2}\ge s)
On the other hand, since $B_{1/2}$ equals $\tfrac12\,W_1$ in distribution, we have $P(B_{1/2}\ge s/2)=P(W_1\ge s)=G(s)$.
So, it remains to show that
For real $s>0$, let
d_1(s):=d'(s)e^{2 s^2}
=\sqrt{\tfrac{2}{\pi }} e^{3 s^2/2}-2 s-\sqrt{\tfrac{2}{\pi }}.
Then $d_1'(s)=3 \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi }} e^{3 s^2/2} s-2$ and hence $d_1$ is clearly $-+$; that is, $d_1$ may change its sign at most once (on $(0,\infty)$) and only from $-$ to $+$.
So, $d_1$ is down-up -- that is, there is some $c\in[0,\infty]$ such that $d_1$ is decreasing on $(0,c]$ and increasing on $[c,\infty)$. Also, $d_1(0)=0$ and $d_1(\infty-)=\infty$. So, $d_1$ is $-+$ and hence $d$ is down-up. Also, $d(0)=0=d(\infty-)$. So, $d<0$ (on $(0,\infty)$), as desired.