Consider the Hilbert space $H = E^{\otimes n}$ where $E=\mathbb{C}^2$.
On $E$ we have an observable $O$ (i.e. a Hermitian matrix) that is diagonalizable in the standard basis with eigenvalues $1$ and $-1$. By tensoring $O$ with the identity on $E^{\otimes n-1}$, and doing so for each of the $n$ possible positions for the factor $E$, we get a set of commuting observables $O_i$, $i=1\dots n$. An observable that commutes with all these observables must belong to the algebra generated by the $O_i$'s.
Now if I have an observable $M$ on $H$ such that the operator norm of $[M,O_i]$ is at most $1$ for all $i$, how far can $M$ be from the algebra generated by the $O_i$'s, in the operator norm? What are explicit examples that are far from the algebra?
Any pointer or relevant remark for related questions welcome.