I am reading a paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/1001.3448) and they mentioned Stein's lemma (below) as a useful fact without proof, I also read the reference in the paper but I got nothing. Please help me any material contained proof of this lemma.
(Stein's lemma) For jointly Gaussian variables $Z_1, Z_2$ with zero mean and for any function $\psi: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, where $\mathbb{E}\{\psi'(Z_1)\}, \mathbb{E}\{\psi'(Z_2)\}$ exist, the following holds $$\mathbb{E}\{Z_1\psi(Z_2)\} = \text{Cov}(Z_1,Z_2)\mathbb{E}\{\psi'(Z_2)\}$$