A well known problem, attributed to H. P. Rosenthal, asks whether or not every quotient of $C(\alpha)$, $\alpha$ countable ordinal, is $c_0$-saturated. As it is known, $C(\alpha)$ are $c_0$-saturated and also every quotient of $C(\alpha)$ contains $c_0$. Since a closed subspace of a quotient is a quotient of a closed subspace one may ask the following.
Question I. Let $X$ be a closed subspace of $C(\alpha)$. Is every quotient map $Q:X\to X/Y$ not strictly singular ? In particular what is the answer when $X/Y\cong c_0$ ?
This is formally a stronger question than the initial problem and has a positive answer when $X=C(\alpha)$. A possible negative answer indicates that the problem probably also has a negative answer. Moreover, the above question has a negative answer if the following has a positive one.
Question II. Does there exist a universal constant $C$ such that for every equivalent norm $|\|\cdot\||$ on $c_0$, there exists a countable ordinal $\alpha$ such that $(c_0,|\|\cdot\||)$ is $C$-isomoprhic to a subspace of $C(\alpha)$ ?