In the book The topology of fiber bundles, Steenrod characterize bundle over a base $X$ and totally disconnected structural group $G$ as follows.
Theorem: Let $X$ be arcwise connected, arcwise locally connected, and semi locally 1-connected. Let $G$ be totally disconnected topological group. Then the equivalence classes of principal bundles over $X$ with group $G$ are in 1-1 correspondence with the equivalence classes (under inner automorphisms of $G$) of homomorphisms of $\pi_1(X)$ into $G$.
In the differentiable context (every manifold here is closed and connected), examples of Ehresmann-Feldbbau fiber bundles (fiber bundles where the group be not, necessarily, a topological group) with totally disconnected groups occur in foliated bundles:
Proof: A foliated bundle is characterizazed by a homomorphisms $\varphi:\pi_1(M)\longrightarrow \text{Diff}(F)$, where $F$ is the fiber. With the $C^\infty$-topology, the group $\text{Diff}(F)$ is a metrizable topological group that act continuously in $F$. Since that the fundamental group of a compact manifold is finitely genereted (a discussion can be found here), the group $G=\text{Image}(\varphi) $ is an enumareable set. Now, given $f,g\in G$, $f\neq g$, denoting by $d$ a metric that generates the topology of $\text{Diff}(F)$, the function $F(h)=\frac{d(f,h)}{d(f,h)+d(f,g)}$, $F:\text{Diff}(F)\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ , is a continuous function satisying $F(f)=0$ and $F(g)=1$. Since G is an enumerable set, there exists $\alpha$, $0<\alpha<1$, such that $F(h)\neq \alpha $ for all $h\in G$. Thus, $G$ is equal the disjoint union $(G\cap F^{-1}(-\infty,\alpha))\cup (G\cap F^{-1}(\alpha,\infty))$, $f\in \cap F^{-1}(-\infty,\alpha)$ and $g\in \cap F^{-1}(\alpha,\infty)$, therefore $G$ is totally disconnected.
I want to show that a foliated fiber bundle is also a fiber bundle with a group $G$. This motives the question below:
Question: The group $G$ is a topological group? More generally, every totally disconnected subgroup of a topological group is, itself, a topological group?