I was wondering if the tangle functors constructed in
"A functor-valued invariant of tangles" https://arxiv.org/pdf/math/0103190.pdf
"An invariant of tangle cobordisms via subquotients of arc rings" https://arxiv.org/abs/math/0610054
are braided monoidal?
For example in the Reshetekhin and Turaev set up, they have a braided monoidal functor from tangles to $Rep(U_q(sl_2))$. Sending points/tangles to representations/intertwiners, and one can take tensor products of points/tangles to tensor products of representations/intertwiners.
Are there any examples of tangle invariants coming from a braided monoidal functor but give something on the level of khovanov homology (or something that "decategorifies" to the Jones Polynomial)? Namely where points/tangles are assigned to categories/functors, tensor products of points/tangles carry over to some sort of tensor product of categories/functors, and finally also "decategorifies" to the Jones polynomial? Should such a thing exist?
I have also seen some of the foam constructions and I think they relate to braided monoidal 2-categories, but it seems the points/tangles are not assigned to categories/functors.
I am quite a beginner and have not fully digested the content or understand a bigger picture in the literature. Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated