Let $A$ be a $K$-algebra and consider the category $\text{mod}A$ of finitely generated left $A$-modules. If $M$ is in $\text{mod}A$, then $\text{add}M$ denotes the full subcategory of $\text{mod}A$ whose objects are direct summands of finite direct sums of copies of $M$. I read that $\text{add}M$ is the smallest additive full subcategory of $\text{mod}A$ containing $M$, but I don't understand why.
It appears to me that the smallest additive full subcategory of $\text{mod}A$ containing $M$ should consist of the trivial module $0$ and finite direct sums of copies of $M$ (and all homomorphisms between these modules). Why do we need to take also their direct summands?