I would like to find some good references (or any insight) that would help me to understand a few articles mentioning rigidity of Hirzeburch genus. One of the consequences of this phenomenon is that whenever you have a Hamiltonian circle action (with isolated fixed points?) on a symplectic manifold $M$, you can calculate the Hirzebruch genus $\chi_y(M)$ from the Betti numbers of $M$. This is written, for example, in Remark 4.15(i) in https://arxiv.org/abs/1604.00277.
I tried to look into classical papers on rigidity, for example, Bott and Taubes 1989 https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/e058/c27d3a9d551852d4325739559e069da33598.pdf , but I am not able to see a connection to the article above (due to my very low knowledge in the area). So I wonder if there are some intermediate references, that explain a bit what is rigidity and how it affects the data of fixed points of $S^1$-actions (including the weights) on a manifold.
Also, if you could give some general answer (intuition, reference) for the question in the title, it would be great as well.