Let $E$ be a normed space and let $F\subset E^{*}$. It is known that $F$ is dense if and only if the restriction of $\sigma(E,F)$ on $B_E$ coincides with the weak topology.
Hence, if $F$ is dense and we have a bounded net $e_\alpha$ and $e\in E$ such that $\left<e_\alpha,f\right>\to \left<e,f\right>$, for every $f\in F$, then $e_\alpha\to e$ weakly. In particular, that works for sequences. However, density of $F$ seems to be too strong for sequences.
Is there a nice condition weaker than density of $F$ that would imply that every bounded sequence $e_n\in E$ converge weakly to $e\in E$ as long as $\left<e_n,f\right>\to \left<e,f\right>$, for every $f\in F$?