Consider a random $n\times p$ matrix $X$ with $n\ll p$ and all entries of $X$ i.i.d. standard normal. For this $X$, the system of linear equations $y=Xw$ has infinitely many solutions, and the one with smallest $\ell^2$ norm is $\hat{w}=X^T(XX^T)^{-1}y.$ Based on this, I am interested in understanding $$\|X^T(XX^T)^{-1}\|_{\ell_1^n\to \ell_1^p}\leq \|X^T\|_{\ell_1^p\to \ell_1^n}\cdot \|(XX^T)^{-1}\|_{\ell_1^n\to \ell_1^n}.$$
The first term can be bounded using Chevet's inequality, but the closest thing I can find for the second term is this question, which deals with $\|\cdot \|_{\ell_2^n\to \ell_2^n}$.
So is anything known about arbitrary operator norms of the inverse Wishart distribution? Any help would be much appreciated!