Let $(M,g_M)$ be a closed oriented Riemannian manifold that has a fibration structure $$ Y \rightarrow M \overset{\pi}{\rightarrow} B $$ where $(Y,g_Y)$ and $(B,g_B)$ are closed Riemannian manifolds such that $\pi$ is a Riemannian submersion.
Now we define $g_{\epsilon}=\epsilon^{-2}\pi^*g_B+g_Y$ and $\tilde g_{\epsilon}=g_{\epsilon}+\alpha_{\epsilon}$ for some error term $\alpha_{\epsilon}=O(\epsilon^{\tau-2})$ for some $\tau>0$. If we denote the signature operators on $M$ with respect to $g_{\epsilon}$ and $\tilde g_{\epsilon}$ by $A_{\epsilon}$ and $\tilde A_{\epsilon}$ respectively. Can we conclude that
$$ \lim_{\epsilon \to 0} \eta(A_{\epsilon})= \lim_{\epsilon \to 0} \eta(\tilde A_{\epsilon}), $$ if the former exists?