Let $E$ be a (Hausdorff) locally convex vector space (from now on just "lcs" for short). We say that $E$ is convenient (also called locally complete, Mackey-complete or $c^\infty$-complete) if, given any disk (i.e. an absolutely convex and bounded subset) $B\subset E$ which is closed, the vector subspace $E_B$ generated by $B$ $$E_B=\bigcup_{\lambda>0}\lambda B=\bigcup^\infty_{n=1} nB$$ is a Banach space when the norm is given by the Minkowski functional of $B$ $$\mu_B(x)=\inf\{\rho>0\ |\ x\in\rho B\}=\inf\{\rho>0\ |\ \rho^{-1}x\in B\}\ ,\quad x\in E_B\ .$$ In other words, any closed disk $B\subset E$ is a so-called Banach disk. This is a rather weak kind of completeness - for instance, any sequentially complete $E$ is convenient.
It is well known that, if $E$ is a convenient lcs, a curve $\gamma:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow E$ is smooth (i.e. the iterated derivatives of all orders of $\gamma$ exist everywhere) if and only if $l\circ\gamma:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is smooth (in the usual sense) for all $l\in E'=$ topological dual of $E$ - see e.g. Lemmata 2.1, 2.2 and Corollary 2.3, pp. 14-15 of the book by Andreas Kriegl and Peter Michor, The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis (AMS, 1997). This generalizes the usual concept of smoothness of curves with a finite-dimensional target by means of smoothness of each component of the curve.
Question: suppose $E$ is a convenient lcs and $F\subset E'$ is a dense vector subspace of $E'$ in the strong topology $\beta(E',E)$. Let $\gamma:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow E$ be such that $l\circ\gamma:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is smooth for all $l\in F$. Is $\gamma$ smooth?
My expectation is that this is true if $E$ is in addition semi-reflexive (i.e. $E=(E',\beta(E',E))'$ as a vector space), for in this case $E$ is also the topological dual of any strongly dense vector subspace of $E'$, but I fear I might be missing something and there might still be room for counterexamples.