Let P be a distribution on a finite set of size $k$ and let $\hat{P}_N=(N_1/N,\ldots,N_k/N)$ be the empirical distribution (frequencies) from a samples of size $N$. Consider the Hellinger distance between $P$ and $\hat{P}_N$, namely
$$ D_{\text{Hell}}(P\|\hat{P}_N) := \left(\sum_{i=1}^k\left(\sqrt{p_i}-\sqrt{N_i/N}\right)^2 \right)^{1/2}=2\left(1-\sum_{i=1}^k\sqrt{p_i}\sqrt{N_i/N}\right)^{1/2}. $$
Using the Markov inequality, (Matusita 1995) showed the non-asymptotic bound
Theorem I. For all $t>0$, it holds that $$ P\left(D_{\text{Hellinger}}\left(P\|\hat{P}_N\right)^2 \ge (k-1)t/N\right) \le 1/t. $$
The author also proved the convergence in law
Theorem II. $$4ND_{\text{Hellinger}}(P\|\hat{P}_N)^2 \overset{\mathcal L}{\longrightarrow}\chi_{(k-1)}^2. $$
Can the non-asymptotic tail bound in Theorem I above be improved ? Maybe something like the sub-exponential tail bound for the chi-squared distribution.