The reason why the minimal dense sublocale of a frame is important is because it is a complete Boolean algebra and complete Boolean algebras are very special kinds of frames. Furthermore, the nucleus corresponding to a minimal dense sublocale gives an example of a frame homomorphism $f:L\rightarrow B$ and we shall see why such homomorphisms are essential to point-free topology. In this post, I will mainly talk about the importance of frame homomorphisms $f:L\rightarrow B$ for the sake of generality.
Complete Boolean algebras make point-free topology much more elegant than it would otherwise be, and the minimal dense sublocale of a frame is an important part of the relation between complete Boolean algebras and point-free topology.
Complete Boolean algebras satisfy some of the highest separation axioms, and they even satisfy some other notable peculiar point-free topological properties. Complete Boolean algebras are always regular, completely regular, normal, zero-dimensional, paracompact, ultraparacompact, extremally disconnected, $P$-frames, etc. Complete Boolean algebras are also notable because all atomless complete Boolean algebras are completely point-free (the points in a complete Boolean algebra are precisely the generic ultrafilters on that complete Boolean algebra).
If $\kappa$ is an uncountable regular cardinal, then we say a regular space $(X,\mathcal{T})$ is a $P_{\kappa}$-space if the intersection of less than $\kappa$ many open sets is still open. We say that a frame $L$ is weakly $\kappa$-distributive if it satisfies the property $x\vee\bigwedge_{i\in I}y_{i}=\bigwedge_{i\in I}(x\vee y_{i})$ whenever $|I|<\kappa$. Therefore, the notion of a weakly $\kappa$-distributive frame is a generalization of the notion of a $P_{\kappa}$-space (Caution: We need to be careful since there are multiple inequivalent but natural ways of generalizing the notion of a $P_{\kappa}$-space to point-free topology).
$\textbf{Theorem:}$ A regular space $(X,\mathcal{T})$ is a $P_{\kappa}$-space if and only if the frame $\mathcal{T}$ is weakly $\kappa$-distributive.
$\textbf{Theorem:}$ A regular frame $L$ is a complete Boolean algebra if and only if it is weakly $\kappa$-distributive for all uncountable regular cardinals $\kappa$.
One should think of a complete Boolean algebra as therefore like a space where the arbitrary intersection of open sets is open, and complete Boolean algebras in a sense behave like discrete spaces. In fact, every sublocale of a complete Boolean algebra is both an open and a closed sublocale. A regular frame is a complete Boolean algebra precisely when it has no proper dense sublocale.
If $B_{L}$ is the minimal dense sublocale of a frame $L$, then there is a surjective frame homomorphism $L\rightarrow B_{L}$ defined by $x\mapsto x^{**}$.
Let $\mathfrak{b}(a)$ denote the smallest dense sublocale of $L$ containing $a$. Then there is a surjective frame homomorphism
$\phi_{a}:L\rightarrow\mathfrak{b}(a)$ defined by $\phi_{a}(x)=(x\rightarrow a)\rightarrow a.$ Then $\mathfrak{b}(a)$ is a complete Boolean algebra and if $S\subseteq L$ is a sublocale which is a complete Boolean algebra, then $S=\mathfrak{b}(a)$ for some $a$.
Fact: Every frame $L$ embeds as a subframe of a product of complete Boolean algebras. In particular, the mapping $\phi:L\rightarrow\prod_{a\in L}\mathfrak{b}(a)$ defined by $\phi(x)=(\phi_{a}(x))_{a\in L}$ is an embedding.
The above fact in a sense of the extension of the fact that every topology $(X,\mathcal{T})$ embeds as a subframe of $\{0,1\}^{X}$. One could also show that every regular frame $L$ is a subframe of a product of complete Boolean algebras using forcing, but such an argument is more difficult and less efficient in terms of the cardinality of the complete Boolean algebras required.
The congruence tower
We shall now describe a construction that allows us to extend a frame $L$ to a much larger frame $M$ but where the frame homomorphisms $f:L\rightarrow B$ are in a one-to-one correspondence with the frame homomorphisms $g:M\rightarrow B$. This construction is only interesting because for each frame $L$ there are many interesting frame homomorphisms $f:L\rightarrow B$ including the frame homomorphism from $L$ onto the minimal dense sublocale of $L.$
Suppose that $L$ is a frame. Then a congruence on $L$ is an equivalence relation $\simeq$ such that if $v\simeq w,x\simeq y$, then $v\wedge x\simeq w\simeq y$ and if $x_{i}\simeq y_{i}$ for $i\in I$, then $\bigvee_{i\in I}x_{i}\simeq\bigvee_{i\in I}y_{i}$. Let $\mathfrak{C}(L)$ denote the lattice of all congruences on the frame $L$. Then $\mathfrak{C}(L)$ is itself a zero-dimensional frame. Define a mapping $\nabla_{L}:L\rightarrow\mathfrak{C}(L)$ by letting $(x,y)\in\nabla_{L}(a)$ if and only if $x\vee a=y\vee a$. Then $\nabla_{L}$ is an injective frame homomorphism such that each $x\in L$ is complemented in $\mathfrak{C}(L)$.
$\textbf{Theorem:}$ Suppose that $L$ is a frame, $B$ is a complete
Boolean algebra, and $f:L\rightarrow B$ is a frame homomorphism. Then
there is a unique frame homomorphism $\overline{f}:\mathfrak{C}(L)\rightarrow B$ such that $f=\overline{f}\nabla_{L}$.
The above theorem would not be as interesting if frame homomorphisms $f:L\rightarrow B$ with $B$ Boolean were rare or difficult to construct.
Suppose that $L$ is a frame. Then define $\mathfrak{C}^{\alpha}(L)$ for each ordinal $\alpha$ by letting $\mathfrak{C}^{0}(L)=L$, $\mathfrak{C}^{\alpha+1}(L)=\mathfrak{C}(\mathfrak{C}^{\alpha}(L))$ and where if $\gamma$ is a limit ordinal, then $\mathfrak{C}^{\gamma}(L)$ is the direct limit of $(\mathfrak{C}^{\alpha}(L))_{\alpha<\gamma}$ where the transitional mappings are produced by the mappings of the form $\nabla_{\mathfrak{C}^{\alpha}(L)}$ and direct limits of such mappings. Let $\nabla_{L}^{\alpha}:L\rightarrow\mathfrak{C}^{\alpha}(L)$ be the canonical embedding.
$\textbf{Theorem:}$ Suppose that $L$ is a frame, $B$ is a complete
Boolean algebra, $\alpha$ is an ordinal, and $f:L\rightarrow B$ is a
frame homomorphism. Then there is a unique frame homomorphism
$\overline{f}:\mathfrak{C}^{\alpha}(L)\rightarrow B$ such that $f=\overline{f}\nabla_{L}^{\alpha}$.
We now have examples of towers of structures that, unlike the automorphism group tower, do not stop growing.
$\textbf{Theorem:}$ There is a frame $L$ such that the congruence
tower $(\mathfrak{C}^{\alpha}(L))_{\alpha}$ never stops growing.
$\textbf{Forcing and the congruence tower}$
The existence of many frame homomorphisms $\phi:L\rightarrow B$ play a very important role in how frames behave when you put them into forcing extensions and they are the basis of a field which I have worked on called Boolean-valued point free topology which is essentially about considering frames in forcing extensions (for the set theorists, since frames are complete Boolean algebras, the Boolean-valued model approach to forcing works quite well.). The frame homomorphisms $\phi:L\rightarrow B$ should be thought of as the points that you add to the frame $L$ when you pass $L$ to turn it into a frame a forcing extension using the Boolean-valued model approach to forcing.
Let $\textrm{Sp}_{B}(L)$ be the set of all frame homomorphisms $\phi:L\rightarrow B$. Then $\textrm{Sp}_{B}(L)$ is a $B$-valued structure where we set $\|\phi=\theta\|=b$ when $b$ is the largest element in $B$ with $\phi(x)\wedge b=\theta(x)\wedge b$ for each $b\in B$. Since $\textrm{Sp}_{B}(L)$ is a $B$-valued structure, one should consider $\textrm{Sp}_{B}(L)$ as an object in the Boolean-valued universe $V^{B}$.
$\textbf{Theorem}:$ Suppose that $L$ is a frame. Then the mapping
$(\nabla_{L}^{\alpha})^{*}:\textrm{Sp}_{B}(\mathfrak{C}^{\alpha}(L))\rightarrow\textrm{Sp}_{B}(L)$ is a bijection. In particular,
$$V^{B}\models\text{There is a bijective continuous function from $\textrm{Sp}_{B}(\mathfrak{C}^{\alpha}(L))$ to $\textrm{Sp}_{B}(L)$.}$$
This correspondence is startling since the frame $\mathfrak{C}^{\alpha}(L)$ could have arbitrarily large cardinality.