I find myself in the following situation:
Let $(\mathcal{F}_i, f_{i,j})$ be a directed system of sheaves, defined on an exhausting family of closed topological subspaces $$X_i \subset X_{i+1} \subset ... \subset X$$.
Suppose that we know how the limit of restrictions $$\underset{j}{\lim} \iota_{i,j}^* \mathcal{F}_j, \quad i \leq j$$ looks on each subset $X_i$, where $\iota_{j,i} : X_j \hookrightarrow X_i$ is the closed inclusion (so the maps defining the limit process look something like the composition $\iota_{i,j}^* f_{i,j}$).
Is it enough to know the whole limit sheaf $$\mathcal{F} := \underset{i}{\lim}\mathcal{F}_i ?$$