Consider a metric space $(\Bbb M,d).$
If $X,Y,Z\in \Bbb M.$ We define cosin of angle by
$$\cos(\angle YXZ)=\frac{d(X,Y)^2+d(X,Z)^2-d(Y,Z)^2}{2d(X,Y)\cdot d(X,Z)}.$$
If we have four points $A,$ $B,$ $C$ and $D$ in $\Bbb M$ satify the indentity
$$d(A,B)\cdot d(C,D)+d(A,D)\cdot d(B,C)=d(A,C)\cdot d(B,D).$$
Then we say that $A,$ $B,$ $C,$ $D$ are concyclic.
My Question 1. If $A,$ $B,$ $C$ and $D$ are concyclic then can we show that $$\cos(\angle BAC)=\cos(\angle BDC).$$
My Question 2. If $A,$ $B,$ $C$ and $D$ are concyclic then can we show there is a point $O$ such that $$d(O,A)=d(O,B)=d(O,C)=d(O,D).$$
My Question 3. If two questions 1 and 2 are not true then what is condition of $\Bbb M$ such that these are true?