I'm currently reading the paper "On a Certain l-Adic Reprersentation" written by Ralph Greenberg.(Inventiones 1973) And I'm stuck with a proof of the Proposition 2.
Here $k$ is a totally imaginary abelian extension of $\mathbb{Q}$, $K/k$ is the cyclotomic $\mathbb{Z}_{l}$-extension. $A_{n}$ is the $l$-primary subgroup of the ideal class group of $k_{n}$.
First of all, I don't know why there exists a "root of unity" $w$ in $k_{n}$ such that $N_{n,0}(\beta)=N_{n,0}(w)$.
Instead, Using the condition $c \in A_{n}^{-}$, and as the complex conjugation $J$ on $k_{n}$ acts on $\sigma$ (a generator of the galois group $G(k_{n}/k)$) by $J \sigma J = {\sigma}^{-1}$. We can see that there exists a "unit" $u$ and an element $\gamma$ such that $\beta = u \gamma^{\sigma -1}$.
Secondly, I don't understand the line "If $b=a^{1-J}$, then $b^{\sigma - 1}=(\gamma)^{\sigma -1}$."
Here is my computation (that might be wrong.)
$b=a \overline{a}^{-1}$
As $c \in A_{n}^{-}$, there exists $\delta \in k_{n}$ such that $a \overline{a}=(\delta)$.
$\sigma(a) \sigma(\overline{a}) = (\sigma(\delta))$.
$b^{\sigma -1} = \sigma(a) \overline{a} \sigma(\overline{a})^{-1} a^{-1} = (\sigma(a) a^{-1})^{2} (\delta^{1-\sigma})=(\alpha)^{2}(\delta^{\sigma-1})$.
For the proof of proposition 2 to be true, we need $\alpha^{2}$ must be a unit times an element of the form $\phi^{\sigma-1}$. But I don't see why.