In Lawrence, John. "A countable self-injective ring is quasi-Frobenius." Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (1977): 217-220.
the first line is this:
It has been known for some time that a countable self-injective ring is semilocal (see for example [8].)
Where [8] is Renault, Guy. "Sur les anneaux de groupes." CR Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. AB 273 (1971): A84-A87.
The problem is that Renault's paper, as far as I know, says nothing of the sort. There is a result about semilocal group rings (which does not mention self-injectivity or countability) and a result on self-injective group rings (which proves the group ring must be semilocal) but nothing in general about "countable self-injective rings."
I'm also pretty familiar with everything else cited in Lawrence's paper, and I don't think it was a case of the wrong bibliography item being cited. I can see is that a method like the one used by Gentile will prove that a countable, right self-injective ring is semi local, although I can’t see that it is explicit in Gentile’s paper.
Is anyone aware of a reference that proves such a thing in the box above? It could perhaps be a different Renault paper.
Or maybe you can explain how that statement actually follows from Renault's paper. I prepared a translation of it so I thought I should immediately see where that might be explained, but who knows: maybe I'm overlooking something obvious.