Let $\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_M$ i.i.d. random vectors in $\mathbb{R}^d$, and for notational convenience, let $\Sigma=(\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_M)$. I am interested in understanding $$ \gamma(\Sigma) = \min_{\lambda\in\Delta_M} \Big\|\sum_{i=1}^M \lambda_i \sigma_i\Big\|_2, $$ where $\Delta_M=\{\lambda \in\mathbb{R}_+^M: \sum_i \lambda_i=1\}$, is the $M$-dimensional simplex. I am primarily interested in the cases of the distribution being the standard Gaussian and the uniform probability on the hypercube $\{-1,+1\}^d$.
Here is what I know:
- If we consider continuous distributions, the sigmas are linearly independent with probability 1 when $M\leq d$, thus this quantity should be strictly positive in this regime. In the discrete case, the latter claim should still hold with high probability.
- For the discrete case, the function $\gamma(\cdot)$ is Lipschitz for the Hamming distance, so it concentrates around its mean
- Similarly, for the Gaussian case one can prove $\gamma(\cdot)$ is Lipschitz for the Euclidean norm (more precisely, the Frobenius norm of $\Sigma$ as a matrix), so it concentrates around its mean.
By the last two observations, I am now mostly interested in understanding $\mathbb{E}_{\Sigma}[\gamma(\Sigma)]$, as a function of $M$. Clearly, for $M=1$, and for my distributions of interest, $\mathbb{E}[\gamma]=\sqrt{d}$, and I believe that for $M>d$, $\mathbb{E}[\gamma]\approx0$ (although I don't have a proof).
My question is how to compute (or lower bound) this expectation as a function of $M$. Connections with the literature are also welcome. As a final comment, I tried to lower bound the expectation using the Khintchine inequality, but the minimum in between seems to ruin the approach.
PS: $\gamma(\Sigma)$ represents the largest possible (origin centered) ball not touching the simplex generated by the vectors $\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_M$; which is similar, but not equivalent to the inner radius of the (symmetrized) convex hull. So better suggestions for a title are also welcome.