Let $E$ be a complex Hilbert space. Let $E\overline{\otimes}E$ denotes the completion, endowed with a reasonable uniform cross-norm of the algebraic tensor product $E\otimes E$.
Definition: Let $A,B\in \mathcal{L}(E)$, the tensor sum of $A$ and $B$ is defined by $$A\oplus B:=(A\otimes I)+(I\otimes B)\in \mathcal{L}(E\overline{\otimes}E).$$
Clearly, if $A$ and $B$ are normal operators then so is $A\oplus B$.
Assume that $A\oplus B$ is normal, it is true that $A$ is normal and $B$ is normal?
A short calculation shows that $A\oplus B$ is normal if and only if $$([A^*,A]\otimes I)+(I\otimes [B^*,B])=0.$$ It is possible to show that $[A^*,A]=[B^*,B]=0$?