Consider a gambler who, in every trial of a game, wins or loses a dollar with probability $p\in\left( 0,1\right) $ and $q=1-p$, respectively. Let his initial capital be $z>0$ and let him play against an adversary with the same capital $z>0$. The game continues until one of the players is ruined.
In the language of random variables, this amounts to consider a sequence $X_{1}^{\left( p\right) },X_{2}^{\left( p\right) },...\ $of random variables (on a sample space $\Omega$) taking on two values $+1$ and $-1$ with probabilities $\Pr\left[ X_{n}^{\left( p\right) }=+1\right] =p$ and $\Pr\left[ X_{n}^{\left( p\right) }=-1\right] =q$. In particular, $X_{n}^{\left( p\right) }$ describes the gambler's gain on the $n$th trial and $$ S_{n}^{\left( p\right) }\left( \omega\right) =X_{1}^{\left( p\right) }\left( \omega\right) +\cdots+X_{n}^{\left( p\right) }\left( \omega\right) ,\quad S_{0}^{\left( p\right) }\left( \omega\right) \equiv0\qquad\forall \,\omega\in\Omega $$ describes his net cumulated gain after $n$ trials. The duration of the game is the random number of trials before he is either ruined or wins the game (and his adversary wins or is ruined) $$ D^{\left( p\right) }\left( \omega\right) =\min\left\{ t\in\mathbb{N}% :\left\vert S_{t}^{\left( p\right) }\left( \omega\right) \right\vert =z\right\} \qquad\forall \,\omega\in\Omega. $$
Q. I need a reference or a simple proof of the folk result according to which, for each $p\in\left( 0,1\right) $, $$ \Pr\left[ D^{\left( p\right) }\leq s\,\right] \geq\Pr\left[ D^{\left( 1/2\right) }\leq s\,\right] \qquad\forall\, s=1,2,... $$