In some papers about the cayley graphs of finite groups the behaviour of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of $\phi$ were discussed when $\phi=\sum_{g\in G} \lambda_G(g)$ and $\lambda_G(g)$ is defined by $\lambda_G(g)\delta_v=\delta_{gv}$ where $\delta_g(a)=1$ if $g=a$ and for other elements of $G$ the value of $\delta_g(a)=0$. It is proved that $\chi\in Irr(G)$ satisfies the following relation and so $\chi$ is an eigenvector of $\phi$:
$$\phi(\chi)=(\sum_{i=1}^h {|K_i|\chi(k_i)\over \chi(1)})\chi$$ when $K_i$ is a conjugacy class of $G$ and $k_i\in K_i$.
It is stated that this result can proved by showing that $\theta=\phi(\chi)$ satisfies 5.4 in "Character theory: Feit" as follows: $$\theta(g)\theta(h)={\theta(1)\over |G|}\sum_{t\in G} \theta(gt^{-1}ht)$$ for each $g,h\in G$. But I have no idea how we can show this result.
Could you kindly help me for proving this result.