In some books, mainly about PDEs, I read that any open set can be approximated by sub-domain with smooth boundary (not just piecewise smooth). In 2 dimensional case, this seemly to be quite trivial: for any subdomain, use small open balls to cover its boundary and then mollify the connection parts. But in the higher dimensional case, I think this is not that obvious.
So the first question is: how can we approximate any open set by sub-domain with smooth boundary?
And the second question is: In what meaning the approximation is? Pointwise, i.e., we can find subdomain $D_n$ with smooth boundary such that $D_n\uparrow A$? uniformly pointwise? Or in the Lebesgue measure sense? etc.
Here "$D_n\uparrow A$" uniformly pointwise" means means that $\partial D_n\subset A\cap A_n^c$, where $A_n:=\{ x \in A:d(x,\partial A)\geq \frac1n \}$,.