For a seperated scheme of finite type $X$ over $\mathbf{C}$, let $H_*(X)$ denote its Borel-Moore homology, which is defined by $$ H_k(X) = R^{-k}\Gamma(X, \omega_X) $$ where $\omega\in D_c(X, \mathbf{C})$ is a dualising object in the derived category of constructible $\mathbf{C}$-sheaves on $X$. It is immediate from the definition and the six operations for constructible sheaves that $H_*$ is covariant with respect to proper morphisms and contravariant with respect to smooth morphisms. Let $f_*$ and $f^*$ denote respectively the direct and inverse image maps.
If we are given a cartesian diagramme of schemes over $\mathbf{C}$ $\require{AMScd}$ \begin{CD} Y' @>\tilde g>> Y \\ @VVf'V @VVfV \\ X' @>g>> X \end{CD} where $f$ is proper and $g$ is smooth, do we have an equality of the maps between homology groups $f'_*\tilde g^* = g^*f_*: H_*(Y)\to H_*(X')$?
In the book [N. Chriss & V. Ginzburg, Representation theory and complex geometry, 8.3.34] , this is shown in the case where $g$ is locally a trivial fibration, by reducing it to the commutativity of the following diagramme of derived functors
\begin{CD} f_*f^! @>>> \mathrm{id}_X @>>> g_*g^* \\ @VVV @. @AAA \\ f_*\tilde g_*\tilde g^*f^! @. = @. g_* f'_*{f'}^! g^* \end{CD}
in which all the morphisms are adjunction morphisms except for the base change morphism $\tilde g^*f^! \cong {f'}^! g^*$ in the bottom line, whose definition can be found in [SGA4, Exposé 18,]. One gets the result by apply the diagramme to $\omega_X$ and then take global sections.
The commutativity of the diagramme above can be easily checked in the case where $g: X'\to X$ is locally a trivial fibration. While I don't know how to do it if $g$ is only assumed to be smooth, I still suspect the commutativity to remain true.
Let me also add that there is such an equality $f'_*\tilde g^* = g^*f_*: A_*(Y)\to A_*(X')$ for Chow groups and for $f$ proper and $g$ flat, see for example [Fulton, Intersection theory, Prop. 1.7].