We are reading John Roe's book Lectures on Coarse Geometry. We come across a question in P27 line 9: Suppose $X$ is a paracompact and locally compact Hausdorff space, $\bar{X}$ is a compactification of $X$, how to use Urysohn's Lemma to choose continuous functions $f,g:\bar{X}\times\bar{X}\to \mathbb{R}^+$ such that $f$ vanishes only on the diagonal of $\bar{X}\times\bar{X}$, and $g$ vanishes only at infinity (that is, on $\bar{X}\times\bar{X}\backslash X\times X$)?
If $\bar{X}\times\bar{X}$ is perfectly normal, or the diagonal and the infinity are both $G_\delta$ sets, we can have that according to P213 in Munkres's book Topology. But we fail to verify the condition(we are not familiar with paracompact Hausdorff space).
Or any other way?