Let $(X,T)$ be a dynamical system where $T$ is a (at least countably infinite) group acting on a compact Hausdorf space $X$, and let $E(X)$ be the Ellis semigroup of this system (if we abuse notation and take $T\subset X^X$, where the latter is with the topology of pointwise convergence, then $E(X):=\overline{T}$, and can be shown to be a sub-semigroup of $X^X$ with respect to composition of functions). We have that minimal (edit: right) ideals in $E(X)$ exist, and have idempotents (elements such that $u\circ u= u$). We define two idempotents $u,v$ to be equivalent iff $u\circ v=v, \ v\circ u=u$ (i.e. $u\circ v(x)=v(x)\ \forall x\in X$, etc).
Suppose $E(X)$ has three minimal ideals, we have that there are 3 distinct equivalent idempotents belonging to each of the ideals (call them $u,v,w$). Do we have that there is $x\in X$ such that $ux\neq vx\neq wx\neq ux$ (again abusing notation a bit)? I think the answer should be 'no', but any thoughts/references would be appreciated.