I would like to know the relation between the BSD conjecture for abelian schemes (as stated for example in T Keller's thesis) and the clasical BSD conjecture.
In particular, can one state the classical version from the general one..?
I would like to know the relation between the BSD conjecture for abelian schemes (as stated for example in T Keller's thesis) and the clasical BSD conjecture.
In particular, can one state the classical version from the general one..?
The BSD conjecture for an Abelian variety $A$ over, say, a global field $K$ with model $X$ (the spectrum of the ring of integers of $K$ if $K$ is a number field and the smooth projective model of $K$ in the function field case) is (up to some modifications for the infinite places in the number field case) the BSD conjecture for the Néron model $\mathscr{A}/X$.
In https://www.timokeller.name/TateShafarevich.pdf, Theorem 4.4 and 4.5, is the comparison of $Ш(\mathscr{A}/X) := \mathrm{H}^1_\mathrm{et}(X,\mathscr{A})$ with the classical $Ш(A/K)$ defined as a kernel of Galois cohomology groups.