I think that the answer is "Not necessarily" and can be shown as
follows. Let $F=\ell_1=\left(\oplus_{n=1}^\infty \ell_1\right)_1$.
In each summand $\ell_1$ we pick a unit vector $e_n$ (which can be
regarded as the first vector of the unit vector basis in that
space). The space $G:=\left(\oplus_{n=1}^\infty
\ell_1^{**}\right)_1$ is canonically embedded into $F^{**}$
We construct $E^\perp$ as the weak$^*$ closure of the linear span
of $e_n+p_n$, where $||p_n||\downarrow 0$ and $p_n$ has nonzero
component only in $n$th summand of $G$ and the component is in
$(\ell_1)^{**}\backslash \ell_1$.
Now consider any non-convergent sequence $\{f_k\}$ in the unit
ball of $F$. We need to show that the limit of this sequence in
$|||\cdot|||$, if exists, is in the unit ball of $F$. Passing to a
subsequence we may assume that it is convergent coordinate-wise
and subtracting its coordinate-wise limit we may assume that the
coordinate-wise limit is $0$. By
approximation we may assume that the sequence $\{f_k\}$ has finite
disjoint supports. We need to show that the limit of the image of
such sequence in $|||\cdot|||$ can be only
This can be done as follows. We split $f_k=s_k+t_k$, where $s_k$
is supported on $\{e_n\}$ (used above) and $t_k$ is supported on
the rest of the unit vector basis of $\ell_1$. But since $\{f_n\}$
are uniformly bounded, it is easy to see that $|||s_k|||\downarrow
0$. Also it is not difficult to observe that if $|||t_k|||$ does
not go to $0$, then the sequence $\{f_k\}$ is not convergent in