Let $M_{\Gamma}$ a Riemannian covering of a closed compact manifold $(M,g)$ with deck transformation $\Gamma$ (its neutral element will be denoted by $e$). If we denote by $p_t^{\Gamma}(x,y)$ the heat kernel associated to $M_{\Gamma}$ does the following proposition occurs :
There exist a probability measure $\mu$ on $\Gamma$ such that the associated random walk on $\Gamma$ of law $\mu^{*n}$ satisfies that there exists two constants $C_1, C_2 > 0$ and a point $x \in M_{\Gamma}$ such that :
$$ C_2 \mu^{*n}(e,e) \le p_n^{\Gamma}(x,x) \le C_1 \mu^{*n}(e,e) $$