Let $\mathfrak{S}_n$ denote the permutation group, and $I_0(n)=\sum_{j\geq0}\binom{n}{2j}\frac{(2j)!}{2^jj!}$ stand for involutions see A000085 for more interpretations. There is also these numbers $I_1(n)=\sum_{j\geq0}\binom{n}jI_0(j)I_0(n-j)$ described in A000898 by several means.
Let me introduce the numbers $I_2(n)=\sum_{j\geq0}\binom{n}jI_0(j)^2I_0(n-j)^2$. I was able to verify the exponential generating function $$\sum_{n\geq0}I_2(n)\frac{x^n}{n!}=\frac1{1-x^2}e^{\frac{2x}{1-x}}.$$ However, it is desirable to know:
Question. Is there a combinatorial meaning to the numbers $I_2(n)$?
Remark. Of course, it is also interesting if one can provide any other context where $I_2(n)$ appears.